Structural Analysis Software

Structural Analysis Software

50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Piece

Product Details:


Structural Analysis Software Price And Quantity

  • 50000.00 - 500000.00 INR/Piece
  • 1 Piece

Structural Analysis Software Trade Information

  • 10 Piece Per Week
  • 4-12 Week

Product Description

This software is an industrial standard for building analysis and design software. Structural Analysis Software has been built around a physical object based on graphical user interface, powered by beset new special purpose procedures for design and analysis. It has interfaces for production and drafting and ensures redefining criterions of productivity, integration and technical modernization.
The integrated model can include the following:

  • Staggered Truss Systems
  • Frames with Reduced Beam Sections or Side Plates
  • Flexible and Rigid Floors
  • Sloped Roofs
  • Moment Resisting Frames
  • Braced Frames
  • Ramps as well as Parking Structures
  • Mezzanine Floors
  • Stepped Diaphragm Systems and Multiple Tower Buildings with complex concrete composite or steel joist floor framing systems.
  • Provide solutions for many complex problems such as Diaphragm Shear Stresses, Construction Sequence Loading and Panel Zone Deformations.

ETABS is the apt solution, whether you are planning to design a simple 2D frame or is also trying to perform a dynamic study of a complex high-rise that employs non-linear dampers for inter-story drift regulation. In any attempt, this tool is a tailored to make the task that is more efficient.
For buildings, ETABS Structural Analysis Software gives the automation as well as specialized options required to make the procedure of model creation, design and analysis in a fast and suitable manner.
The tool gives columns, frames, floor framing, and walls designing in either concrete or steel. It provides techniques for rapidness in gravitation as well as lateral loads. The seismic as well as wind loads are made automatically according to the provisions of the selected building code.
The software gives nonlinear time-history abilities for seismic base isolation as well as viscous dampers. Provided with several features as well as state-of-the-art technology for the performance design. It has several features for the selections as well as optimization of vertical framing members. Also, it provides significant time savings in the cycle of design.
Provides complete as well as detailed steel & concrete design calculations for braces, walls, beams, columns and slabs. It has the design integration and has availability in combination and makes CAD output files, means that production diagrams can be made speedier without compromising on accurateness.
It has been favorite for the design and analysis of buildings. This is a latest release comprehensive tool, required to create appropriate, elegant and economical engineering solutions.

Etabs Level Definition
Plus Version: This version of software has no practical limit on its model size. The object a best modeling precisely made for design as well as analysis of building systems. It enables you to make the accurate use of beam, brace, column, wall, floor and ramp objects so as to design for gravity and lateral masses. The version has options to deal with various Cartesian as well as cylindrical coordinate systems. It has availability of insertion point options so as to make connection to the top and bottom locations. This version also helps to make auto lateral load generation for handling wind and seismic loads using NBCC, ASCE, UBC, IBC, and many other standards. Providing loading options for joint, temperature, line and surface area, this aids to design the steel members, joist design, shear wall design, concrete frame design, composite beam design etc. It gives a stationary and modal analysis with 2nd order P-delta effects.
Nonlinear Version: This version expands the Plus options to include nonlinear study under both time as well as history static loading. Nonlinear analysis for friction dampers, gaps, tension or hooks, also enables pushover analysis as well as large deformation analysis, as per the ATC as well as FEMA standards.
The ETABS is offered with a Section Designer feature that is an essential part of the program. Its accessing mode aids you to define menu and give a SD Unit from the frame section property box so that built-up sections and nonstandard sections can be well-defined. Also, it aids to stipulate rebar configurations. The ETABS Package is offered with a comprehensive set of online as well as printed documentation including: Tutorials, User Manuals & Learn and Watch Videos.
The Wilson FNA Method: The ETABS nonlinear time history analysis makes use of a latest numerical Integration technique recognized as the Wilson FNA (Fast Nonlinear Analysis) Method. The procedure makes use of an iterative vector superposition procedure that is particularly effective for analyzing constructions with localized and predefined nonlinearity. The method has exhibited important reductions in processing times when it is associated to other nonlinear analysis procedures.

ETABS v9.6 :
This software is applicable for Stepped Diaphragm Systems, High-rise Buildings, Ramps & Parking Structures, Mezzanine Floors, Multiple Tower Buildings, Rigid or Semi-rigid Diaphragms, Linear and Nonlinear Static etc. Basically, it provides viscous dampers, static pushover analysis and also ensures history analysis and base isolators. The version also shows earthquake simulation, staged construction and structural pounding. Etab is the apt Solution, when there is need to design a simple 2d Frame or there is requirement of dynamic analysis of a High-rise building standing in need of nonlinear dampers.

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